Figure 4

Yamaguchi et al., 2023 - Calaxin stabilizes the docking of outer arm dyneins onto ciliary doublet microtubule in vertebrates
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Figure 4

Cryo-ET structures of OADs in WT and calaxin-/- sperm flagella.

(A and B) OAD structure of WT zebrafish sperm flagella. Local refinement was performed focusing on OAD HCs. (B) shows the top view of A (eye and arrow). (A’ and B’) Comparison of zebrafish OAD structure with Chlamydomonas OAD model (PDB-7kzm; Walton et al., 2021). α-HC and DC linkers were omitted from the Chlamydomonas OAD model. (C) Detailed structure around OAD γ-HC. Upper: composite image of zebrafish OAD and Chlamydomonas OAD model. Lower: zebrafish OAD only. Chlamydomonas OAD has the LC4 protein (red circle) attached to the γ-HC tail. (D) OAD-DC structure of WT zebrafish sperm flagella. Local refinement was performed focusing on DC. (D’) Comparison of zebrafish DC structure with bovine DC model (PDB-7rro; Gui et al., 2021). Red dotted circle indicates the N-terminus region of the CCDC151/114. (E) Detailed structure of DC. DC is composed of four linker structures: (a) Calaxin, (b) the Armc4-TTC25 complex, (c) the proximal CCDC151/114, and (d) the distal CCDC151/114. (F) OAD-DC structure of calaxin-/- sperm flagella. (F’) Composite image of difference map (red; subtraction of F from WT) and calaxin-/- OAD-DC (translucent). Difference map shows the densities corresponding to the Calaxin (white arrowhead) and the adjacent CCDC151/114 (black arrowhead). (G) OAD-DC structure of calaxin-/- incubated with recombinant Calaxin protein. (G’) Composite image of difference map (red; subtraction of calaxin-/- from G) and calaxin-/- OAD-DC (translucent). (H) calaxin-/- sperm axoneme was incubated with recombinant proteins of mEGFP-Calaxin or mEGFP (control). Upper row: mEGFP-Calaxin binds to the limited region of calaxin-/- axoneme, with the partial loss of EGFP signals (white arrowheads). Lower row: mEGFP has no interaction with calaxin-/- axoneme (asterisk). Scale bar: 20 μm. (I) Composite image of difference map (yellow; subtraction of calaxin-/- incubated with mEGFP from calaxin-/- rescued by mEGFP-Calaxin) and calaxin-/- OAD-DC (translucent). Difference map shows the densities of mEGFP and Calaxin.

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