(a) Representative three-dimensional reconstructions of livers from 2-CLiP and TO(krasG12V)T/+ larvae of the indicated ahctf1 and ranbp2 genotypes. Scale bar 25 µm. (b) Impact of ahctf1 heterozygosity and ranbp2 heterozygosity on liver volume in 2-CLiP and TO(krasG12V)T/+ larvae (n ≥ 30). Significance was calculated using a one-way analysis of variation (ANOVA) with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. (c) Representative three-dimensional reconstructions of TO(krasG12V)T/+ livers of the indicated ahctf1 genotype treated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or 2.00 µM Selinexor from 5 to 7 dpf. (d) Dose-dependent impact of Selinexor treatment on liver volume in 2-CLiP, ahctf1+/+;TO(krasG12V)T/+ and ahctf1+/−;TO(krasG12V)T/+ larvae (n ≥ 20). Data are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Significance was calculated by linear regression analysis.