Zebrafish injected with fut8a MO showed abnormalities in skeletal muscle (a) Lectin blot, with AAL, of Zebrafish morphants injected with 3 ng of CMO or fut8a MO at 2 dpf. Total protein was visualized by Coomassie Blue staining and Ponceau staining (Supplemental Figure S1a,b): Histogram of the percentage of normal, abnormal, and dead fish in non-injected fish, CMO and fut8a MO injected fish at 2 dpf. Blue: normal, orange: abnormal, gray: dead. (c,d) Comparison of the CMO and fut8a MO injected zebrafish under bright field (c) and birefringence assay (d) at 2 dpf. d: Upper bar = 1 mm; lower bar = 200 μm. Non: non-injected zebrafish.