Fig. 2

Glasauer et al., 2021 - DNA template strand segregation in developing zebrafish
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Fig. 2

Figure 2. Whole-mount analysis of label retaining and proliferating body regions using light sheet microscopy (A) Experimental approach where zygotes were injected with 5.7 pmol F-ara-EdU, followed by soaking in 10 mM BrdU from 4-5 dpf, fixation and staining. Maximum intensity light sheet projections of a whole zebrafish: (B) dorsal view of whole animal composed of four merged images, (C) anterior view of eye, (D) anterior view of forebrain, and (E) dorsal view of the mid-body region. See Supplemental Video 1 showing 3-D representation. Arrows indicate examples of BrdU positive / Fara-EdU negative cells.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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