cdx4 mutants exhibit aberrant cell behaviors during migration. A-J. Timelapse microscopy of trunk NC cell migration in Tg(sox10:mRFP) embryos visualized by SPIM reveals cellular behaviors. A-C. In WT embryos, NC cells migrate as single-cell segmental chains. Tracking of leader and follower cells during migration shows that leader cells are not overtaken. Scale bar ?= ?25 ??m. D-F. In cdx4ch107?/- embryos tracking of NC cells shows that the first cells to migrate are overtaken by later-migrating cells. Scale bar ?= ?25 ??m. G, H. High magnification view in a WT specimen of the leader cell (G) (blue arrow) and follower cell (H) (orange arrow). Scale bar ?= ?5 ??m. I, J. High magnification view in a cdx4ch107?/- mutant specimen of the first cell to migrate (I) (blue arrow) and a later-migrating cell (J) (orange arrow). Scale bar ?= ?5 ??m. K, L. Box plots of the area (K, units ?= ??m2) and aspect ratio (L) of migrating NC cells in WT and cdx4ch107?/- embryos.