Fig. 3
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-220927-25
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- Lin et al., 2022 - Comprehensive Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Sex-Specific Alternative Splicing Events in Zebrafish Gonads
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Distribution of AS types and in frame ratio in male and female zebrafish gonad. (A) Splice model for splice types detected in the rMATS projects. Exon number was illustrated in the box. (B) Proportion of the identified DASEs. ES, exon skipping; A5SS, alternative 5′ splice site; A3SS, alternative 3′ splice site; MXE, mutually exclusive exon; RI, retained intron; (C) Proportion of the gDASEs in ovary and case. (D) Proportion of the gDASEs in testis and case. (E) The differentially spliced transcripts of mapre1a, tpx2, cenpe, kif2c and wdr62 were validated by RT-PCR using cDNA samples from adult (6 mpf) zebrafish gonads (O for ovaries and T for testes). The RNA-seq tracks of tp53bp1, tpx2, mapre1a, and kif2c are shown in the right panel. The differentially spliced exons between ovaries and testes are indicated with boxes. |