Dopamine contributes to diurnal variations in the distribution of multivesicular events.A Examples of iGluSnFR signals from individual OFF synapses elicited using 60% contrast stimulus (5 Hz, 30 s) in the morning (top), afternoon (middle) and afternoon + SCH 23390 (bottom). In each case the top trace shows the iGluSnFR signal and the lower trace the estimated Qe.B Changes in Qe in ON synapses in the morning (light grey bars, n = 10 synapses) and afternoon (green bars, n = 14 synapses). In the afternoon the distribution was shifted toward multiquantal events (p < 0.05, KS-test). C Changes in the distribution of Qe in ON synapses before and after intravitreal injection of the D1 antagonist SCH23390 (dark grey bars, n = 8 synapses). The distribution was shifted toward lower Qe (p < 0.001) but was not significantly different to that measured in the morning. D Changes in Qe, in OFF synapses in the morning (light grey bars, n = 19 synapses) and afternoon (red bars, n = 24 synapses). In the afternoon the distribution was shifted toward multiquantal events (p < 0.02). E Changes in the distribution of Qe in OFF synapses before and after intravitreal injection of SCH 23390 in the afternoon (dark grey bars, n = 12 synapses). The distribution was shifted toward uniquantal events (p < 0.001). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.