Fig. 3

Prummel et al., 2022 - Hand2 delineates mesothelium progenitors and is reactivated in mesothelioma
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Fig. 3

<italic>hand2</italic> defines mesothelial precursors in the LPM.

A, B SPIM projections of hand2:EGFP;drl:mCherry embryos at 10 ss (A) and 16 ss (B). C Confocal imaging of 16 ss hand2:EGFP;drl:mCherry embryo showing hand2:EGFP-expressing cell populations comprising lateral-most LPM. Arrowheads label single-cell layer laterally migrating over yolk. Region as annotated in B. DF Transverse sections of 3 dpf hand2:EGFP embryos. D Boxed regions show double-positive Tagln staining (arrowheads) and Tagln-negative staining in visceral peritoneum around (I) gut, pancreatic/hepatic ducts (arrows), and (II) liver. Asterisk depicts a potential hepatic stellate cell. Ehand2:EGFP expression in visceral peritoneum surrounding the pancreas. F Transverse section of hand2:EGFP labeling of parietal peritoneum. G, H Abdominal transverse sections of E14.5 Hand1EGFPCreΔNeo/+;R26R and E15.5 Hand2Cre;R26R mouse embryos, lineage-labeled cells marked by β-galactosidase staining (blue). In both groups, lineage labeling appears in the visceral peritoneum of the liver (arrowheads). I, Jwt1a:EGFP (I) and wt1b:EGFP (J) expression in pronephric ducts and visceral peritoneum surrounding the gut, swim bladder, and liver. Boxed regions show double-positive Tagln staining (arrowheads) and Tagln-negative staining (arrows). Body wall (bw), diaphragm (d), gut (g), liver (li), pronephric duct (pd), swim bladder (sb). Nuclei in blue (DAPI). Scale bars D, F, I, J 50 μm, E, boxed regions D, F, I, J 25 μm, and G, H 100 μm.

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Antibody Labeling
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