Fig. 8
Validation of genes associated with polygenic traits in humans. A Images of scales from in toto and harvested scales of sp7:GFP and spp1:mCherry double transgenic fish (ontogenetic: n = 5, regenerating: n = 4 fish). For overview and inset i, blue arrows indicate high GFP signal and orange the mCherry signal at the posterior edge (inset i) while light blue arrow indicates an ontogenetic scale next to a regenerating scale. Inset ii shows anterior region of the scale with opposite GFP and mCherry signals (blue arrow) in ontogenetic and regenerating conditions. B Quantification of width of the mCherry signal at the posterior edge from harvested scales (between blue and orange arrows in panel C). C Width of mCherry signal normalised by scale length (anterior to posterior). Unpaired two-tailed student t-test p -values are shown on the graph. Scale bar: 100 ?m |