Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-220131-156
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- Cheng et al., 2022 - Loss of Neuropilin2a/b or Sema3fa alters olfactory sensory axon dynamics and protoglomerular targeting
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Expression patterns of nrp2a, nrp2b, and sema3fa in the developing zebrafish olfactory system. A. 3D projection and schematic representation (frontal view) of an optical z-stack of the 72 hpf olfactory system. One side of the olfactory system is shown with dorsal up and lateral on the left. OSNs are labeled by OMP:RFP (Magenta) and TRPC2:Venus (Green). OMP-expressing axons project to the central zone (CZ), dorsal zone (DZ), lateral glomerulus 3 (LG3), and medial glomerulus (MG). TRPC2-expressing axons project to the olfactory plexus (OP), lateral glomerulus 1,2, and 4 (LG1, LG2, LG4), and the ventral posterior glomerulus (VPG). B. RNAseq expression data from four replicate experiments for sema3fa, nrp2a, and nrp2b in OMP and TRPC2 expressing OSNs. C. Nrp2a mRNA (cyan, arrowhead) and nrp2b mRNA (magenta, arrow) is detected independently in the cell bodies of TRPC2:Venus labeled cells (green) in the OE at 48 hpf. D. Nrp2a mRNA (cyan, arrowhead) and nrp2b mRNA (magenta, arrow) is detected in the same cell body of TRPC2:Venus labeled expressing cells (green) in the OE at 48 hpf. E. Percentage of OMP and TRPC2 expressing cells with nrp2a or nrp2b expression. F. Sema3fa mRNA (magenta) is detected in the cell bodies of OMP:Gal4;UAS:Citrine expressing cells (green) in the OE at 48 hpf. G. Sema3fa and sema3fb expression in the olfactory system of 36 hpf zebrafish. 3D model of sema3fa mRNA (magenta) and sema3fb mRNA (cyan) distribution within the OB (grey outline). Sema3fa is concentrated in the anterior and dorsal-medial regions of the OB and sema3fb is concentrated in the dorsal-medial regions of the olfactory bulb. Data aggregated from 6 OB hemispheres for sema3fa and 6 OB hemispheres for sema3fb |