Fig. 7
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-211230-44
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- Kamel et al., 2021 - Istaroxime treatment ameliorates calcium dysregulation in a zebrafish model of phospholamban R14del cardiomyopathy
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A Typical action potentials (APs) of plna R14del isolated adult cardiomyocytes at baseline (black line) and after incubation with 5 µM istaroxime (orange line), paced at 1 Hertz (Hz). B Average AP parameters of plna R14del isolated adult cardiomyocytes at baseline (black bars) and after incubation with 5 µM istaroxime (orange bars), at 1 Hz pacing (mean ± SEM, APD20: *p = 0.030, APD50: *p = 0.022, APD90: *p = 0.020, baseline n = 6, istaroxime n = 6, paired Student’s t-test). C Typical action potentials (APs) of plna R14del isolated adult cardiomyocytes at baseline (black line) and after incubation with 5 µM istaroxime (orange line), paced at 4 Hz. The plna R14del cardiomyocyte showed an AP alternans at baseline, where a long AP is followed by a short AP. D Average APD90 difference between two consecutive APs (alternans) at baseline and after incubation with 5 µM istaroxime, during 4 Hz pacing (mean ± SEM, *p = 0.039, baseline n = 6, istaroxime n = 6, paired Student’s t-test). All measurements were performed in three experimental replicates. Baseline condition is highlighted in black and treated in orange. Hz Hertz, mV millivolt, APD20 AP duration at 20% of repolarization, APD50 AP duration at 50% of repolarization, APD90 AP duration at 90% of repolarization. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. |