Fig. 3
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- ZDB-FIG-211230-40
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- Kamel et al., 2021 - Istaroxime treatment ameliorates calcium dysregulation in a zebrafish model of phospholamban R14del cardiomyopathy
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A Graphical illustration of the zebrafish echocardiography imaging setup. B B-mode echocardiography imaging plane of the adult zebrafish heart, ventricular walls, and cardiac valves are depicted in yellow. C Heart rate of wild type (WT) and plna R14del mutant zebrafish, 6 and 10 months of age (mean ± SEM, WT n = 10, plna R14del n = 21, two-way ANOVA). D Cardiac output of WT and plna R14del zebrafish, 6 and 10 months of age (mean ± SEM, **p = 0.0013, ***p = 0.004, WT n = 10, plna R14del n = 21, one-way ANOVA). E Variation in outflow peak velocity in WT and plna R14del zebrafish, 6 and 10 months of age (mean ± SEM, **p = 0.01954, WT n = 10, plna R14del n = 21, one-way ANOVA). F Representative examples of color Doppler ventricular outflow measurements in 10-month-old WT and plna R14del zebrafish. Dashed white and red arrows indicate maximum and minimum peak velocities, respectively. All measurements were performed in two experimental replicates. G–L Representative images of in situ hybridization of these hearts with markers to observe immune/inflammation, epicardium, and fibroblasts (using grn1, tbx18, and postnb, respectively). All stainings were performed on WT n = 3, plna R14del n = 3, two experimental replicates. Images were taken at a magnification of ×20. Scale bars are 200 µm for whole-heart tile scans and 50 µm for zoom-in regions. Wild type are highlighted in black and plna R14del in red. A atrium, V ventricle, BA bulbus arteriosus, A–V valve atrial–ventricular valve, Vent. outflow ventricular outflow, variation outflow PV variation outflow peak velocity, bpm beats per minute, ml/min milliliter per minute, mm/s millimeter per second, VOT ventricular outflow tract. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. |