Simple visuomotor reflexes qualitatively predict emergent group behavior across genotypes and development.(A) Schematic of the model using only two simple algorithmic rules: First, fish are repelled or attracted to visual clutter (see Fig. 1E). Second, fish use global motion cues for turning decisions (see Fig. 2, A and E). Both cues are integrated over time and evaluated according to our integrator model (Fig. 2E). Model parameters for the clutter response strength are directly extracted from group swimming experiments (Fig. 2, E and F). Model parameters for the integration and decision-making process are taken from our multiobjective parameter fitting results (fig. S4B). The model is hence almost fully constrained by experimental data. (B) Example trajectories of simulated wild type 7 and 21 dpf based on the rules shown in (A). (C and D) Aggregation and alignment for wild-type simulations for all possible rule combinations (neither rule, only motion, only clutter, or both rules) for 7- and 21-dpf model fish. Alignment does not emerge with attraction alone; it additionally requires animals to perform motion integration. Conversely, motion integration induces some level of aggregation. Parameters for wild-type animals are the same as for the sibling controls for all tested mutant lines. (E and F) Aggregation and alignment for 7- and 21-dpf mutant model fish with respective sibling controls (left) and the corresponding data of real fish (right; same data as in Fig. 2). Our model can qualitatively predict all group behavior phenotypes across ages as found in our experimental group assay (Fig. 2, A and B). N = 36 model simulations (each model uses different parameter sets, following our repeated model optimization; fig. S4B) in (C) and (D) and N = 12 model simulations for each genotype in (E) and (F). Experimental data in (E) and (F) are the same as in Fig. 2 (A and B).