Single-gene mutations affect aggregation and alignment of developing zebrafish.+/+, +/− , and –/– refer to sibling-controlled wild-type and mutant fish. (A) Left: At 7 dpf, scn1lab+/− fish are more dispersed than wild-type siblings (PFisher ≈ 0.036, N+/+ = 10, N+/− = 16 groups, Cohen’s d = −0.8). Dashed lines represent values of shuffled groups. At 21 dpf, fish are more aggregated. Scn1lab+/− aggregate less than scn1lab+/+ (PFisher ≈ 0.0001; N+/+ = 25, N+/− = 26 groups, Cohen’s d = −1.09). Right: Group alignment increases with age; however, we could not detect an effect of the scn1lab mutation (P7 Fisher = 0.26, P21 Fisher = 0.47). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.0005. (B) Left: At 7 dpf, disc1−/− are less dispersed than wild-type siblings (PFisher ≈ 0.0128; N+/+ = 7, N−/− = 17 groups, Cohen’s d = 1.04). At 21 dpf, disc1−/− show more aggregation compared to wild-type siblings (PFisher ≈ 0.0129; N+/+ = 12, N−/− = 13 groups, Cohen’s d = 0.95). Right: We could not detect effect of the disc1 mutation on alignment (P7 Fisher = 0.33, P21 Fisher = 0.40). (C) Pearson’s correlation of alignment and aggregation in scn1laballele2 7-dpf (top) and 21-dpf (bottom) fish. Positive correlation for 21-dpf scn1laballele2+/− fish. Uncertainty regions are the pointwise 95% CI of the linear regression model. (D) We could not detect correlation for disc1. (E) Left: scn1laballele2+/− turn away more from visual clutter at 7 dpf (top) and turn toward clutter less at 21 dpf (bottom). Right: Integral of the curves symmetrized. Repulsion is negative. Attraction is positive. (F) Same as in (E) but for disc1. Mutants show a flattening of the 7-dpf repulsion curve (top) and an enhancement in 21-dpf attraction (bottom). Bold lines in (E) and (F) represent turning probability calculated from left/right turns of all fish in 5° bins; uncertainty regions are the pointwise 95% CI of a fitted binomial distribution to the events in each bin.