EMX2 > GPR156 > Gαi epistasis in the mouse macular organs.a LPR domain in E17.5 utricles. Polarization of GPR156 in lateral HCs (arrowhead) is lost when EMX2 is missing and these HCs fail to reverse. b GPR156 enrichment in the lateral utricle (LES) domain. c Medial domain in E18.5 utricles. Ectopic expression of Emx2 reverses HC orientation and induces polarization of GPR156 (arrowhead) in medial HCs. d GPR156 enrichment in the utricle medial domain. e LPR domain in E18.5 utricles. Polarization of GPR156 in lateral HCs expressing PTXa is intact although these HCs fail to reverse. Utricles are labeled with GPR156, PCNT, and ZO1 (a, c) or MYO7A (e). In a, c, e boxed areas are magnified in the lower panels, and HC orientation and GPR156 distribution are summarized in a cartoon form. In b, d GPR156 enrichment is measured at the junction opposite (opp. BB) or near (BB) the basal body in the same HC. GPR156 is expressed as ratio of ZO1 signal (mean ± SD; n, HC numbers in 3 or more animals; Kruskal-Wallis test, ****p < 0.0001, ns p > 0.9999). Arrows indicate HC orientation based on PCNT-labeled basal body. Utricle schemes indicate the domain imaged or analyzed (blue). Yellow dashed lines represent the LPR in controls. See Supplementary Fig. 3 for related saccule and crista results. Scale bars are 10 µm (a, c), 20 µm (e).