Fig. 3

Zhou et al., 2020 - The multifaceted role of protein kinase CK2 in high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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Fig. 3

CK2? overexpression alone cannot maintain acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the absence of aberrant MYC activation. (A) Diagram of the experimental design. (B, top panel) Thymic fluorescence in MYC-ER (left) and MYC-ER;CK2?wt (right) zebrafish raised in 129 nM 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4HT) for 5 weeks showing tumor initiation in MYC-ER;CK2?wt fish. (B, middle panel) shows both MYC-ER (left) and MYC-ER;CK2?wt (right) with aggressive disease at 11 weeks although MYCER; CK2?wt fish developed more aggressive ALL than MYC-ER fish. (B, bottom panel) shows thymic fluorescence 4 weeks after 4HT withdrawal. One representative fish is shown for each group. (C) Zebrafish were classified by the indicated tumor phenotype at 8 weeks post 4HT removal (P=0.13; MYC-ER vs. MYCER; CK2?wt; n=11 per group). The difference in observed tumor phenotypes between each group as a whole was statistically insignificant, as calculated by a two-way ANOVA test. Scale bars =1 mm. ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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