Fig. 8
Hif activator treatment protects embryos from X-ray induced DNA damage. (A?D) We investigated the effect of Hif activation on the increased LOH in vhl locus in vll?/? mutant embryos. When embryos were treated with Hif activator prior to X-ray treatment, the increased LOH in the vhl locus in vll?/? embryos was significantly reduced (B) in comparison to vll?/? embryos that were exposed to X-ray without Hif activator treatment (D). (E) The effect of Hif activator on the LOH suppression in the vhl locus was quantified. ****p < 0.0001, unpaired t-test. Hif activator treated vll?/? embryos also looked more healthier (A) than untreated embryos (C). (F) The size of eyes was measured as a surrogate for general health, and quantified in the Hif activator treated and untreated embryos. ****p < 0.0001, unpaired t-test. Scale bar: 1 mm. |