Orr et al., 2021 - Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors
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Schematic model for social status-dependent regulation of neurochemical inputs to the M-cell: The M-cell (green) receives inputs from DA cells (blue), the excitatory VIIIth cranial nerve (gray), and inhibitory (brown). Our model predicts distinct neurochemical pathways in dominants (A) and subordinates (B) responsible for differences in startle escape sensitivity. These pathways are proposed based on differential effects of JZL184 treatment on startle escape behavior (bottom). Higher baseline 2-AG in dominants is responsible for activation of the “inhibitory pathway” via inhibitory neurotransmitter release. Lower baseline 2-AG in subordinates activates the lower threshold “excitatory pathway” via the VIIIth nerve, responsible for higher startle escape sensitivity.

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