Epistatic relationships between QTL influence pattern phenotype.(A) Genotypes at Chr18:5246981 and Chr20:23025453 linked to variants affecting log2(DV:AP variation) and melanophore element count in BCa progeny. Genotypes are listed as maternally-inherited D. kyathit allele followed by paternally inherited allele with phenotype-associated alleles underlined. Bars indicate medians ± interquartile range. Overall analyses of variance for allelic combinations in BCa progeny: upper, F3,154 = 7.26, P<0.0001; lower, F3,154 = 10.07, P<0.0001). Means not significantly different from one another (P>0.05) in post hoc Tukey-Kramer comparisons are indicated by shared letters above data points. (B) Three combinations of Chr18 and Chr20 alleles overlapped in morphospace. When striped alleles on Chr18 and Chr20 were together, a phenotype significantly more similar to that of D. quagga developed. Ellipses indicate 95% confidence intervals of means. (C) Genotype at Chr7:27412951 impacts log2(DV:AP variation) and melanophore element count in BCb progeny selected for striped and spotted phenotypes. Analyses of variance: left, F1,34 = 9.30, P = 0.0044; lower, F1,34 = 8.91, P = 0.0052. (D) Morphospace position was impacted by variants linked to maternally inherited D. kyathit alleles at Chr7:27412951. Most siblings with the A allele had patterns similar to D. quagga whereas progeny with the G allele were more similar to D. kyathit. (compare with representative parental species values in A). Statistical analyses in A and C used DV:AP variation and ln(melanophore elements), which stabilized among-group differences in residual variance evident in original values.