Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-210414-80
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- Mao et al., 2021 - Anterior lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to multiple tissues and requires tbx5a function in left-right asymmetry, migration dynamics, and cell specification of late-addition cardiac cells
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Single-cell resolution 18 hpf fate map of WT and Tbx5a-deficient aLPM. A-D Examples of labeled wild-type single cells within the aLPM, dashed outline. Asterisk marks a single cell photoconverted to express red fluorescent Kaede, whose starting position was measured as the anteroposterior and mediolateral distance from the otic vesicle. Anterior to the left, dorsal to the top; some images taken on the right side of the embryo have been flipped. Ai- Dorso-lateral view of the 18 hpf embryo. Aii- Ventral view of the same embryo at 48 hpf. Asterisks mark resultant clone in the heart. Bi, Bii- Dorso-lateral view of pericardial sac clone. Ci, Cii- Pharyngeal arch clone. Di, Dii- Peritoneum clone. E-N Combined dorsal-lateral view fate map of aLPM cell fates at 18 hpf from both left and right sides (E-I wild-type, J-N Tbx5a-deficient), showing the four fate categories: E, J-cardiac; F, K-pericardial sac; G, L-pharyngeal arch; and H, M-peritoneum. I, N- Summary fate map of all labeled single cells. Circles denote unipotent clones, other shapes denote multipotent clones, refer to legends for identity. n counts represent the number of precursors from the right or left aLPM that gave rise to that particular fate. p-values determined by comparing the number of left and right precursors using the Fisher’s Exact test. v, ventricle; a, atrium; fb, fin bud; ov, otic vesicle; pa, pharyngeal arches; n, notochord; s1, somite 1. Grid length and scale bar: 100 μm. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 472, Mao, L.M.F., Boyle Anderson, E.A.T., Ho, R.K., Anterior lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to multiple tissues and requires tbx5a function in left-right asymmetry, migration dynamics, and cell specification of late-addition cardiac cells, 52-66, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.