Fig. 2

Klatt Shaw et al., 2021 - Localized EMT reprograms glial progenitors to promote spinal cord repair
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Fig. 2

Ventral ependymal progenitors undergo EMT after SCI (A) Expression of EMT-related genes by FACS-seq. Heatmap representation of epithelial and mesenchymal gene expression in ctgfa+gfap+ cells. Color scale in the dendrogram represents log2(fold enrichment) in ctgfa+gfap+ cells relative to control SCs. (B) Enrichment of EMT markers by FACS-seq. Log2(fold enrichment) was averaged for epithelial and mesenchymal genes. (C) Distribution of EMT markers by FACS-seq. Upregulated genes were subdivided into log2(FE) >1 (Green) and log2(FE) = 0 to 1 (Light green). Downregulated genes were subdivided into log2(FE) = ?1 to 0 (light red) and log2(FE) < ?1 (red). Percent genes within each category are shown. (D) RNAscope for twist1a in wild-type SCs at 1 and 2 wpi, and in uninjured controls. Hematoxylin staining (blue) was used as a counterstain. At 1 wpi, SC cross sections at the lesion site and distal to the lesion from the rostral side are shown. Arrowheads point to twist1a expression at the lesion core at 1 wpi. Arrows point to twist1a expression in ventral ependymal progenitors at 1 and 2 wpi. (E?H) Cdh2 (E) and Cdh1 (G) immunostaining in ctgfa:EGFP zebrafish at 1 and 2 wpi, and in uninjured controls. SC cross sections are shown, and dotted lines delineate central canal edges. Arrowheads point to domains of co-expression of Cdh2 and EGFP (E), and domains of diminished Cdh1 expression and increased EGFP expression (G). Quantification of Cdh2 (F) and Cdh1 (H) expression in ctgfa- and ctgfa+ cells at 2 wpi are shown. ????p < 0.0001. Scale bars, 50 ?m.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage: Adult

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Adult

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 56(5), Klatt Shaw, D., Saraswathy, V.M., Zhou, L., McAdow, A.R., Burris, B., Butka, E., Morris, S.A., Dietmann, S., Mokalled, M.H., Localized EMT reprograms glial progenitors to promote spinal cord repair, 613-626.e7, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell