Genomics and expression of Apelin and its receptors. (A) Phylogenetic tree (ENSGT01000000214406) with the APLNR/’aplnr2’ (suggested new name aplnr, ENSDARG00000004447) subtree (blue in panel B) expanded. (B) The same tree with the ‘aplnra’/’aplnrb’ (suggested new name aplnrla, ENSDARG00000002172)/aplnrlb (ENSDARG00000036670) subtree (orange in panel A) expanded. (C) A dot plot representing orthologs and paralogs of Hsa11 genes versus zebrafish (Dre) chromosomes plotted directly above the location of each Hsa11 gene showing extensive conservation with Dre7, the site of aplnr, but not Dre8 or Dre10, the locations of aplnrla and aplnrlb, respectively. (D) A dot plot of chicken chromosome Gga15 versus zebrafish chromosomes showing the sites of aplnrla and aplnrlb and their ortholog in chicken (Aplnrl, ENSGALG00000047717) identified in the tree in B. (E-H) Expression of apln, aplnr, aplnrla, and aplnrlb in endothelial cells.