Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-210319-129
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- Rangel-Huerta et al., 2020 - The Dynamics of Epidermal Stratification During Post-larval Development in Zebrafish
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Label retaining cells in epidermis from post‐larval zebrafish detected using an EdU pulse‐chase experiment. A‐C, Epidermal Immunostaining with an anti‐p63 antibody and detection of EdU nucleotide incorporation at 5, 6.5 and 8 mm SL. D, Schematic representation of the pulse‐chase experiment. After 1.5 hours of EdU‐pulse in 6‐dpf larvae, and detection at 5, 6.5, and 8 mm SL. The EdU signal is progressively diluted in dividing cells but retained in label‐retaining cells (LRCs). E, Interleaved bars of p63 or EdU/# total cell ratio, normalized by DAPI‐DNA nuclear counterstaining from 5, 6.5, and 8 mm SL. Scale bar in A and B is 20 μm |