Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-210216-46
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- Trivellin et al., 2020 - The X-linked acrogigantism-associated gene gpr101 is a regulator of early embryonic development and growth in zebrafish
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Fig. 5. Transcriptomic analysis in gpr101 KO unfertilized eggs. a) Pathway enrichment analysis in mature, unfertilized eggs collected from WT (n = 4) and gpr101 KO (n = 3) females was performed with Metascape by selecting the custom analysis option and uploading a background list of genes appropriate for the developmental stage under study (1-cell stage). The list was extracted from White et al. (White et al., 2017). Out of the 613 differentially expressed (DE) genes (±1 log2 fold change threshold), 557 genes were recognized by the software when applying these parameters. The top non-redundant enrichment cluster was collagen formation. b) Volcano plot showing significant DE genes (q < 0.05). Genes with a log2 fold change < −1 or > 1 are shown as red dots, the rest as grey dots. The names of genes (only those with an assigned name) with a log2 fold change < −4 or > 4 and q < 0.01 are shown. Selected genes showing the highest negative fold change and significance values were validated by RT-qPCR/RT-PCR and their names are reported in red. |
Reprinted from Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 520, Trivellin, G., Tirosh, A., Hernández-Ramírez, L.C., Gupta, T., Tsai-Morris, C.H., Faucz, F.R., Burgess, H.A., Feldman, B., Stratakis, C.A., The X-linked acrogigantism-associated gene gpr101 is a regulator of early embryonic development and growth in zebrafish, 111091, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell. Endocrinol.