Activation of WNT signaling restores the facial defects present in the Vu57 allele. (a) Experimental design schematic with onset of treatment with WNT?Agonist I at 30 hours post fertilization (HPF) and removal of treatment at 54 HPF. Alcian Blue was performed at 4?days post fertilization (DPF) in treated and untreated individuals that were incubated in embryo media from 54?96 HPF following treatment. (b?e) Alcian blue staining was performed at 4 DPF in homozygous carriers of the Vu57 allele (Vu57?/?) and wild type siblings (Sibling) according to the treatment schematic in (a). Total numbers of animals reflected in Table 1. *p = .0001 using a Fisher's Exact test. (f). Homozygous carriers of the Vu57 allele (Vu57?/?) or wild type siblings (Sibling) were treated with vehicle control (DMSO) or WNT?agonist I at either 0.1 or 0.2??M concentration according to the schematic in (a). Total RNA was isolated from a pool of embryos and the expression of sox10, col2a1a, or axin2 was measured by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Error bars represent SD of biological replicates. N = 11/group except for 0.2??M concentration where N = 9. *p = 4.07457E?05, **1.14579E?06, ***p = 3.80572E?07, #2.45716E?05, ##p = 7.28315E?08, ###p = .000716073, &p = 3.22846E?05, &&p = 7.2866E?07, &&&p = 8.45279E?07