T-maze behavior test for adult TPM3 transgenic zebrafish, and the swimming velocity of larval TPM3 transgenic zebrafish. a The swimming velocity of F1 larva TPM3(WT) transgenic fish compared to non-transgenic AB(WT) control fish during the five days of testing. Red plot denotes TPM3(WT) fish (n = 28), orange plot represents AB(WT) fish (n = 12). There is no significant differences between TPM3(WT) and AB(WT). b The swimming velocity of F1 larva TPM3 transgenic fish at 7 dpf. Orange plot represents AB(WT) (n = 12), red plot denotes four TG lines of TPM3(WT) (n = 8 for each line), blue plot indicates four TG line of TPM3(E151A) (n = 8 for each line), green plot indicates four TG lines of TPM3(E151G) (n = 8 for each line). Four lines of TPM3(E151G) and TG2 of TPM3(E151A) significantly swim slower compared to AB(WT). c The swimming velocity of F0 adult TPM3 transgenic zebrafish during the five days of testing. Red plot represents TPM3(WT) (n = 10), blue plot indicates TPM3(E151A) (n = 10), green plot indicates TPM3(E151G) (n = 10). d Latency for memory test of F0 adult TPM3 transgenic zebrafish during the five days of testing. TPM3(WT), TPM3(E151A), and TPM3(E151G) are shown in red, blue, and green bars, respectively. e The swimming velocity of F1 adult TPM3 transgenic zebrafish during the five days of testing. Red plot represents TPM3(WT) TG1 (n = 10), blue plot denotes TPM3(E151A) TG1 (n = 10), green plot indicates TPM3(E151G) TG1 (n = 10), brown plot is TPM3(E151G) TG1 abnormal appearance (n = 6), and pink plot is TPM3(E151G) TG2 (n = 10). f Latency for memory test of F1 adult TPM3 transgenic zebrafish during the five days of testing. TPM3(WT) TG1, TPM3(E151A) TG1, TPM3(E151G) TG1, TPM3(E151G) TG1 abnormal appearance, and TPM3(E151G) TG2 are shown in red, blue, green, brown, and pink bars, respectively. Statistical significance was determined in comparison with AB(WT) and was determined using a t-test, *0.01 < P ≤ 0.05; **0.001 < P ≤ 0.01; ***0.0001 < P ≤ 0.001; ****P ≤ 0.0001