(A) Penetrance of single (slc24a5, tbx5a) and combined (both) biallelic knockout phenotype(s) in F0. Pictures of example larvae were taken at 3 dpf. No pigmentation refers to embryos clear of eye pigmentation at 2 dpf, as in Figure 1C. Pectoral fins were inspected at 3 dpf. (bottom) Unviability as percentage of 1-dpf embryos. (B) Penetrance of single (tyr, ta) and combined (both) biallelic knockout phenotype(s) in F0. Pictures of example larvae were taken at 2 dpf. (bottom) Unviability as percentage of 1-dpf embryos. (C) (left) Pictures of example elavl3:GCaMP6s larvae at 4 dpf. Left was uninjected; right was injected and displays the crystal phenotype. Pictures without fluorescence were taken with illumination from above to show the iridophores, or lack thereof. (right) Two-photon GCaMP imaging (z-projection) of the elavl3:GCaMP6s, crystal F0 larva shown on the left. (inset) Area of image (white box). See also Figure 4?video 1, Figure 4?video 2.