Sirt5 restores oxidative metabolism and improves survival of sucla2−/− zebrafish.a Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in sucla2−/− and control zebrafish larvae with or without sirt5 overexpression (n = 15 per group, 10dpf), before and after the addition of inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration. The uncoupler FCCP is added to stimulate maximal OCR. Rotenone and antimycin A (R + A) determine non-mitochondrial respiration. b Basal OCR calculating the average of the three last points before addition of FCCP. c maximal OCR. d qPCR analysis of mitochondrial DNA content in sucla2−/− and control zebrafish larvae with or without sirt5 overexpression (n = 12 per group, 10dpf). e Survival of sucla2−/− and control zebrafish larvae with or without sirt5 overexpression in standard (fed) conditions (sucla2+/+, n = 40; sucla2−/−, n = 37; sucla2+/+;Tg(ubi:sirt5), n = 38; sucla2−/−;Tg(ubi:sirt5), n = 36). Data are pooled from two independent experiments. p-Value for median survival of wild type vs sucla2−/− <0.0001, p-value sucla2−/− vs sucla2−/−;Tg(ubi:sirt5) = 0.00061. Pairwise comparison using log-rank test. p-Value adjustment was performed by Bonferroni correction. The boxplots show the median, the first to third quartile, and minima and maxima). n.s., not significant. mtDNA = mitochondrial DNA; dpf = days post fertilization. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.