Spinal cord cells of prdm8 mutant embryos have elevated Shh signaling activity. (A) Representative transverse sections of trunk spinal cords obtained from 24 and 48?hpf wild-type (WT) and prdm8co49?/? embryos (dorsal up) showing ptch2 RNA expression. (B-E) Representative transverse trunk spinal cord sections processed for fluorescent ISH to detect olig2 (blue) and ptch2 (pink) mRNA at 24?hpf (B,C) and 36?hpf (D,E). (F) prdm8co49?/? embryos have more ptch2 puncta per AU2 of spinal cord at 24?hpf (n=6) and 36?hpf (n=10) than wild-type embryos at 24?hpf (n=9) and 36?hpf (n=6). (G) Representative transverse sections of trunk spinal cord (dorsal up) showing shha RNA expression in 24?hpf wild-type and prdm8co49?/? embryos. (H) Representative transverse trunk spinal cord sections processed for fluorescent ISH to detect boc1 (blue) mRNA at 24?hpf. (I) Wild-type embryos (n=6) have more boc1 puncta per AU2 of spinal cord at 24?hpf than prdm8co49?/? embryos (n=8). Data are meanąs.e.m. with individual data points indicated. Statistical significance was evaluated by an unpaired, two-tailed Student's t-test (F) and by Mann-Whitney U test (I). *P<0.001. Dashed oval outlines the spinal cord boundary. Scale bars: 10??m.