Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-200820-26
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- El-Nachef et al., 2020 - De novo enteric neurogenesis in post-embryonic zebrafish from Schwann cell precursors rather than resident cell types
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5HT4R is present in the zebrafish intestine and prucalopride increases intestinal motility. (A,B) Transverse section of 5 dpf IHC for 5HT4R reveals diffuse expression within the intestinal epithelium as well as occasional neurons that colocalize with this label (A). Longitudinal sections demonstrate diffuse expression in the proximal foregut and additionally reveal 5HT4R+ projections spanning the dorsoventral axis (B). (C) Stills from a video of a live HuC-H2B GCaMP6 fish exposed to 10 µM prucalopride at 5 dpf reveal increased intestinal motility, as measured by expulsive contractions of autofluorescent intraluminal mucous into the external environment (0.5 versus 4.0; P=0.0004). Increased GCaMP signal was observed in association with expulsive contractions, suggesting neuronally mediated motility. (D) Fish exposed to prucalopride exhibited significantly more expulsive contractions compared with controls. Data are mean±s.e.m. Scale bars: 20 µm (inset, 5 µm). |