The expression of Δ113p53 is induced in cardiomyocytes at the resection site of zebrafish heart.a–f Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP) hearts at sham (a, a′), 4 (b, b′), 7(c, c′), 14 (d, d′), 21 (e, e′) and 30dpa (f, f′) were immunostained by anti-GFP (in green) and anti-MHC (MF20) (in red) antibodies. The nucleus were stained with DAPI (in blue). Scale bar, 50μm. g Average size of GFP+ cardiomyocytes on heart sections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP) at sham, 4, 7, 14, 21 and 30dpa, was presented as the percentage of the total ventricular area. Each dot presented an individual heart. Data are means of 3 sections/heart from 3 hearts/time point. h, i RNA in situ hybridisation was performed with the DIG-labelled probe to detect both p53 and Δ113p53 on cryosections of WT hearts at sham (h) and 14dpa (i). The representative picture was taken from three hearts in each group. Scale bar, 50μm. j Relative mRNA expression of p53, Δ113p53 and p21 in the WT injury hearts at sham and 7dpa. The total RNA was extracted from a pool of at least 10 hearts in each group. k, l Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP) hearts of p53+/+ sibling (k) and p53M214K mutant (l) at 14dpa were immunostained by anti-GFP antibody. The representative picture was taken from three hearts in each group. The white arrow heads indicate wounding site. Scale bar, 50μm. The experiments were repeated independently for at least three times with similar results. Statistical analysis was performed on relevant data using Student’s two-tailed t test in GraphPad Prism 5. The p values were represented by n.s. and asterisks. n.s., p>0.05. *p<0.05. **p<0.01. ***p<0.001.