The traf4a morphant eye phenotype is phenocopied in a traf4a genetic mutant. A. The nucleotide sequence of exon1 of the traf4a gene in wild-type and traf4a-/- fish indicating the 10 bp deletion caused by CRISPR mutagenesis, and wild-type and mutant sequence chromatograms showing the premature stop codon introduced in the mutant by the resulting frameshift. B-G: Dorsal views (B,D-G) of traf4a+/+, traf4a+/- and traf4a-/- 14 ss embryos in a Tg(rx3:GFP) background, and a traf4a-/- embryo in brightfield (C). H-I: Lateral view of 48 hpf eyes. Scale bar in B is 100 µm for panels B, D-I. J-K: Quantitation of mean eye size (J) and % difference between the sizes of the two eyes (K). Number of embryos analyzed is shown. *** p < 0.001, non-parametric Mann-Whitney Rank Sums Test.