agrp and penka expression in tuberal subregions. Sagittal optical sections of hypothalamic regions in zebrafish embryos 48 hpf (A), 96 hpf (B), or 72 hpf, stained by double-fluorescent whole-mount in situ hybridization using probes as indicated. White arrowheads in (A,B) indicate agrp+ cells in the putative arcuate nucleus region; white arrows indicate agrp+ neurons in retrotuberal territories. White arrowhead in (C) indicates penka+ cells in the putative ventromedial hypothalamus region. The alar-basal boundary is shown in cyan. Maximum intensity projections of 20 (A), 30 (B), or 50 (C) 1 μm confocal planes. Abbreviations see list. Scale bar 50 μm.