Local CSF flow accelerates bidirectional long-range transport along rostro-caudal axis in 30 hpf zebrafish embryos.(A1) Inverted contrast fluorescence widefield image of the propagation front of Texas Red 5 min post-injection (mpi). (A2, A3) Inverted contrast fluorescence widefield image of the propagation front of 20 nm beads 1 hr post-injection in the DV/MV of a paralyzed (A2) and contracting (A3) embryo. White arrows in (A1, A2, A3) show CC and the propagation front. (B) Numerical simulation of Taylor Aris diffusion, accounting for long-range transport in central canal. A small region of high concentration is created at the beginning of the simulation (t0 – left column) with (bottom) and without (top) the flow. The propagation front first follows the local flow profile (t1, center column), but a Gaussian distribution is finally recovered with and without flow (t2, right column). However, the concentration front has propagated faster in the presence of flow. The color represents the local concentration in particles. (C1) Characteristic front position of 20 nm radius particles versus time for different bidirectional flow velocities in log scale (v = 0, 6, and 20 μm.s−1 for respectively the blue dots, the red boxes, and the green triangles), as calculated numerically. The colored solid lines correspond to the asymptotic prediction (0.5 line) of pure diffusion. (C2) Theoretical calculation of the average propagation time of a solution of spherical particles to travel 300 μm in central canal versus the particle radius with (cyan) and without (magenta) the bidirectional flow. (D) Experimental propagation front of injected 20 nm beads versus post-injection time, measured in 16 paralyzed (magenta) and 16 contracting (cyan) embryos. (E1, E2) Inverted contrast fluorescence widefield image of the propagation front of 20 nm beads injected in the caudal central canal of a paralyzed (E1) and active zebrafish embryo (E2), showing ‘reverse’ (caudal to rostral) transport between left (10 mpi) and right images (20 mpi). The black asterisks in (A1–A3, E1, E2) show the injection site. Scale bar is 200 μm in (A1, A2, A3, E1, E2).