Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-190820-81
- Publication
- Lu et al., 2019 - Pectoral Fin Anomalies in tbx5a Knockdown Zebrafish Embryos Related to the Cascade Effect of N-Cadherin and Extracellular Matrix Formation
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Cross sections of pectoral fins subjected to immunofluorescence staining for CDH2. Pectoral fins of wild-type embryos showed abundant N-cadherin surrounding chondrocytes at 37 (A) and 48 hpf (C). N-cadherin is observable in the dorsal and ventral muscular region surrounding the endoskeletal disc at 72 hpf (E). The tbx5amorphant with a stubby pectoral fin showed a lack of N-cadherin at 37 hpf (B), 48 hpf (D) and 72 hpf (F). cdh2 expression was significantly inhibited in the tbx5 morphant group at 26, 30, 37, and 48 hpf (G) (n = 50 embryos, triplet). (cl, cleithrum; cc, chondrogenic condensation; dm, dorsal musculature; ed, endoskeleton disc; sco, scapulocoracoid; vm, ventral musculature; blue, nuclear; green, CDH2 protein, WT: Uninjected group, MIS: Control MO-injected group, MO: tbx5 morphant group, a, b: A significant difference was detected by one-way ANOVA with Duncan’s multiple range test.