Loss of Apex1 protein in WT embryos alters brain morphology.a Brain abnormalities at 24 hpf after Apex1 knockdown. Embryos microinjected with Apex1 MO (KD) had enlarged forebrains, indicated with arrows. Darkfield imaging (middle panels) highlights forebrain abnormality (arrow) in KD compared with control embryos. Dorsal views of KD embryos (third panel) show abnormality of the brain ventricle in knockdown embryos relative to controls. b Abnormal ventricle space shown by Texas Red dextran depends on the concentration of Apex1 MO (0.1, 0.15, or 0.2 mM) used for knockdown. Dye was microinjected directly into the ventricle space at 24 hpf. These experiments were performed three times with similar results