Generation of slc12a10.2-deficient zebrafish. (A) WISH analysis using the slc12a10.2 probe in wild-type larvae at 4 dpf. (B) Targeted depletion of the slc12a10.2 gene. The CRISPR/Cas9 target site is located at exon 1. A genotype with an 11-bp deletion was used to establish the slc12a10.2 knockout line (highlighted in red). (C) Schematic diagram of the rearing timeline. Larvae were reared in egg water from 0 to 5 dpf and in system water after 5 dpf. The fish at 6 dpf were harvested for Na+ and Cl? measurements. (D,E) Na+ and Cl? concentrations were measured in control and slc12a10.2-deficient larvae at 6 dpf. **P < 0.01. (F,G) Sodium green staining in the gills of control and slc12a10.2-deficient larvae at 6 dpf (ventral views).