Fig. 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-190201-3
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- Gamble et al., 2018 - Quantification of glioblastoma progression in zebrafish xenografts: Adhesion to laminin alpha 5 promotes glioblastoma microtumor formation and inhibits cell invasion
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Lama5 morpholino causes creates cryptic intronic splice resulting in m538 phenotype. A) Zebrafish embryos at 2 days post fertilization (dpf) after control (left) or lama5 (right) MO injection. Red arrow indicates reduced tail fin growth. Red bracket indicates loss in yolk sac extension. B) Maximum projection images of blood vessels in the brain of zebrafish larvae at 2 days after control or lama5 MO injection. White arrow indicates disorganized dorsal midline junction of cranial blood vessels. C) Agarose gel of cDNA made from mRNA extraction of pooled zebrafish embryos (20) 2dpf after control or lama5 morpholino (MO) injection. Lama5 E59-62 comprises laminin alpha 5 exons 59 to 62 while lama5 E5-8 comprises exons 5 to 8. D) Lama5 MO causes cryptic intronic splice of lama5 mRNA that includes a fragment of intron 60–61. *Location of MO binding. Red arrow indicates introduction of premature stop codon. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) |