Fig. 5
Mga binds to Bs69 and disrupts the Bs69?Bmpr1a interaction. (A) Increasing dose of pCS2-Mga (1, 2, 3 ?g) along with 1 ?g pCS2-HA-Bs69, 1 ?g pCS2-Bmpr1a-FLAG were transiently co-transfected into 293T cells, and co-immunoprecipitation of HA-Bs69 and Bmpr1a-FLAG was analyzed. (B) Increasing dose of pCS2-Bmpr1a-FLAG (1, 2, 3 ?g) along with 1 ?g pCS2-HA-Bs69, 1 ?g pCS2-Mga were transiently co-transfected into 293T cells, and co-immunoprecipitation of HA-Bs69 and Mga was analyzed. (C) One-cell-stage wild-type embryos injected with 50 pg mRNA encoding HA-Bs69 or mixture of mRNAs encoding both HA-Bs69 and mouse MGA, or co-injected with 50 pg mRNA encoding HA-Bs69 with 100ng pCS2-FLAG-Mga or pCS2-FLAG-Mga?. Immunoblot analysis of pSmad1/5 levels was performed with lysates from the injected embryos at 8 hpf. (D) Relative quantification of pSmad1/5 levels of panel C. (E) One-cell-stage wild-type embryos injected with 50 pg mRNA encoding HA-Bs69 or mixture of mRNAs encoding both HA-Bs69 and mouse or zebrafish MGAs, and the ventral tail fin phenotypes of these embryos at 48 hpf were shown. |