Fig. S4
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- ZDB-FIG-181116-35
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- Koch et al., 2018 - Intestinal microbiome adjusts the innate immune setpoint during colonization through negative regulation of MyD88
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(A) Image illustrating the separation of intestinal tissues from body tissues, prior to RNA isolation and qPCR analysis of intestinal versus body (B) q-PCR analysis comparing the relative expression levels of cebpb, fosl1a and il1b, in conventionalized (CONVD) versus germ-free (GF) conditions in samples derived from excised intestinal bulp and in the remaining body tissues, (mean ± s.e.m, n=3 biological replicates, 30 embryos per group) **p0,01; ****p0,0001 by Student’s t-test (C) Wholemount in sity hybridization results of cebpb and fosl1a, scale bar represents 1 mm (D) Representative images of germ-free and conventionalized larvae in the Tg(il1b:GFP) reporter line stitched from confocal stacks acquired with 10x magnication scalebars, 500 μm in A and D; 1 mm in C. |