Fig. 6

Cooper et al., 2018 - Protein Kinase A Signaling Inhibits Iridophore Differentiation in Zebrafish
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Fig. 6

Forskolin increases expression of the mitfa transcriptional repressor foxd3. (AC) 10× magnification of Bacfoxd3::GFP transgenic larvae at 2 dpf. Transgenic zebrafish express GFP in foxd3-dependent cells including the pineal gland (arrowhead) and presumptive iridophores (arrows). Scale bar in panel C = 200 um and applies to panels A–C. (DE) 20× magnification of BACfoxd3::GFP zebrafish. Arrows indicate cells co-expressing GFP and iridescence typically observed in iridophores. The scale bar in panel E = 100 um and applies to panels D and E. (F,G) 20× magnification of 25 hpf 0.1% DMSO or 5 µM forskolin-treated BACfoxd3::GFP transgenic fish processed for immunocytochemistry using anti-GFP and anti-beta catenin antibodies (red). Forskolin treatment leads to an increase in GFP (arrowheads indicate pharyngeal arches), indicating expanded domains of foxd3 expression. Scale bar in panel F = 100 um and applies to panels F and G. (H,I) 0.1% DMSO and 5 µM forskolin-treated wildtype embryos processed for in situ hybridization using the foxd3 probe. Forskolin expands the areas of foxd3 expression, notably in the dorsal head and trunk regions (arrows) which are locations of presumptive iridophores, and in pharyngeal arch neural crest streams (arrowheads). Scale bar in panel H = 100 um and applies to panels H and I.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
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