Fig. 3

Ceci et al., 2018 - Micro RNAs are involved in activation of epicardium during zebrafish heart regeneration
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Fig. 3

Histological staining using Masson’s trichrome on heart controls (a, b) and during regeneration (c–f). At 2 dpa (c) wide regenerative clot is clearly evidenced; in d a fibrous clot in blue is observed, while some undifferentiated cells that infiltrated the clot-surrounded epicardium are reactive (d, inset). We also notice some macrophages (d, inset). A 3 days (e) the clot is in resorption; in a magnification (f) epicardial stratification is observed. M myocytes, Ep epicardium (a bar = 1.5 mm; b bar = 45 μm; c, e bar = 1.5 mm; d, f bar = 45 μm)

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