Fig. S4
Somite boundaries are unaffected by genetic manipulations in the notochord, Related to Figure 5. (A) Brightfield imaging of col9a2:QF2 x QUAS:nlsVenus-V2a-notch1aICD (QUAS:NICD) or QUAS:nVenus-V2a-SuHDN (QUAS:SuHDN) crosses show that QUAS expression does not affect somite patterning or boundary formation at 48 hpf. (B) Phalloidin staining of 48 hpf embryos did not show defects in somite organization compared to clutch-mate controls. White (*) denotes pigmentation. Scale bars for (A) and (B) are 100 μm. (C) Control siblings from QF2 x QUAS crosses, i.e. expressing one or no transgene, did not present defects in notochord or spine segmentation. Scale bars are 500 μm. |