Fig. 5
Targeted Ablation of Individual Oligodendrocytes without Causing Bystander Axon Damage (A) Schematic drawing of single oligodendrocyte ablation using two-photon bleaching of mbp:KillerRed-labeled cells. (B) Timeline of confocal images of individual mbp:KillerRed-expressing oligodendrocytes in Tg(mbp:EGFP-CAAX) full transgenic zebrafish at 7 days post-fertilization (dpf) before and after two-photon bleaching of the cells marked by the asterisk. Scale bars, 10 μm (left), 5 μm (right). (C) Confocal images and axon reconstructions of huC:tagCFP-labeled axons in Tg(mbp:KillerRed) zebrafish before and after oligodendrocyte ablation at 4 dpf. Scale bar, 10 μm. (D) Quantification of the beginning of cell body disintegration after two-photon bleaching of mbp:KillerRed-expressing cells at 4 dpf. Data are expressed and mean ± SD. (E) Quantification of traced neurites in direct proximity to the ablation site before and after oligodendrocyte ablation as shown in (C). See also Figure S3 and Movie S3. |