Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-180613-13
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- Lopez-Baez et al., 2018 - Wilms Tumor 1b defines a wound-specific sheath cell subpopulation associated with notochord repair.
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De novo bone formation occurs via a cartilage intermediate at the site of injury. (a) Alcian blue and Alizarin red staining at the site of injury in 3 and 14 dpi larvae. Ectopic cartilage deposit is indicated by arrow. n > 10; experimental replicates = 8. Scale bar left panels: 400 µm; scale bar right panels (zoomed images): 200 µm. (b) Alcian blue and Alizarin red staining at the site of injury at 18 dpi indicates the presence of bone and cartilage at the repair site (blue arrow = cartilage; red arrow = bone). n = 2; experimental replicates = 8. Scale bar: 200 µm. (c) Alcian blue and alizarin red staining of 30 dpi larvae reveals the formation of a smaller vertebra in the damaged area. n > 10; experimental replicates = 3. Scale bar left panels: 400 μm; scale bar right panels (zoomed images): 200 μm. (d) Live imaging of calcein stained zebrafish at 21 and 38 dpi in injured and uninjured fish. Vertebrae at damage site are indicated by yellow asterisks. Black asterisk denotes intestinal fluorescence. n = 5; experimental replicates = 1. Scale bar 21 hpf: 200 µm; scale bar 21 hpf zoomed: 100 µm; scale bar 38 hpf: 200 µm; scale bar 38 hpf zoomed: 100 µm. (e) The relative vertebra size difference (Δ size) between vertebrae at the site of injury (injured) and vertebrae in non-injured areas (uninjured). Vertebrae at the site of injury were significantly smaller than uninjured vertebrae (Unpaired t-test; ***p<0.0001 two-tailed; mean ±SEM uninjured larvae = 0.9506 + /- 0.02102 n = 7; mean ±SEM injured larvae = 0.7432 + /- 0.0284 n = 7; measurements taken at 30 and 38 dpi). |