Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-180611-46
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- Lust et al., 2018 - Activating the regenerative potential of Müller glia cells in a regeneration-deficient retina
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Sox2 is present in MG cells of the hatchling medaka and zebrafish retina but not maintained after injury in medaka. (A–A’’’) Cryosection of an uninjured hatchling medaka retina. Sox2 (green) labeled cells with round nuclei are present in the INL and the GCL. Sox2-labeled cells with round nuclei are ACs present in the INL and the GCL (asterisks). Sox2-positive cells with elongated nuclei are present in the INL (arrowheads). Co-labeling with GS (magenta) proves that cells with elongated nuclei are olMG cells. Additional staining, which is likely unspecific staining since sox2 mRNA cannot be detected there (Reinhardt et al., 2015), can be detected in the ONL. (B–B’’’) Cryosection of an uninjured zebrafish retina at 9 dpf. Sox2 (green)-positive cells with round nuclei are present in the INL and the GCL. Sox2-labeled cells with round nuclei are ACs present in the INL and the GCL (asterisks). Sox2-positive cells with elongated nuclei are present in the INL (arrowheads). Co-labeling with GS (magenta) proves that cells with elongated nuclei are drMG cells. Scale bars are 20 μm. (C–C’’) Cryosection of an injured hatchling medaka retina at 3 dpi. BrdU (magenta, arrowheads) labeled cells are not co-labeled with Sox2 (green, arrowheads). Sox2-positive cells with elongated nuclei, indicating non-proliferative olMG cells, are found in the INL (open arrowheads). Sox2-positive cells with round nuclei are ACs present in the INL and the GCL (asterisks) (n = 3 fish, data obtained from two independent experiments). (D) Quantification of the amount of Sox2-positive and negative proliferating cells of BrdU-positive cells at 3 dpi in medaka (74 cells in 3 retinae). ****p<0.0001. Box plots: median, 25th and 75th percentiles; whiskers show maximum and minimum data points. (E–E’’) Cryosection of an injured zebrafish retina at 3 dpi. BrdU-(magenta) and Sox2-(green) double positive cells can be detected in the INL (arrowheads). BrdU-positive Sox2-negative cells can rarely be detected (open arrowhead). Sox2-labeled cells with round nuclei are ACs present in the INL and the GCL (asterisks) (n = 3 fish, data obtained from two independent experiments). Scale bars are 10 μm. (F) Quantification of the amount of Sox-positive and negative proliferating cells of BrdU-positive cells at 3 dpi in zebrafish (68 cells in 3 retinae). ****p<0.0001. Box plots: median, 25th and 75th percentiles; whiskers show maximum and minimum data points. |