Fig. 3
Morphological and migratory defects of the pectoral and median fin fold mesenchyme in Tg(Inta11:NTR) larvae following metronidazole treatment. (A-J) Pectoral and (M-W) median fin of 60, and 72hpf Inta11: NTR + MTZ and Inta11: NTR—MTZ larvae outcrossed with Tg(Inta11-β-globin:eGFP) transgenic larvae. At 60hpf, Inta11: NTR—MTZ show the beginning of fin fold migration in the pectoral fin (white arrow) (A-C). Migration is absent/delayed in the pectoral fin of the Inta11: NTR + MTZ group (yellow arrow) (D-F). At 72hpf, Inta11: NTR + MTZ larvae display reduced fin fold mesenchyme migration in the pectoral fin (J-L) compared to the control (G-I). Fin fold mesenchyme are less elongated/branched and are clustered close to the endoskeletal disk (red arrow) (J-L), compared to control pectoral fins (white arrow) (G-I). At 60, and 72hpf median fin fold mesenchyme of Inta11: NTR + MTZ larvae cluster next to the trunk, and are more round and less elongated/branched (red arrow) (P-R, V-X), compared to control larvae (white arrow) (M-O, S-U). Brightfield (A, D, G, J, M, P, S, V), fluorescence (B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W), and brightfield/fluorescence merged images (C, F, I, L, O, R, U, X). ED, Endoskeletal disc; T, Trunk. Scale bars: 50μm in A-X. |