Pontin and Reptin function together in zebrafish development. (A) pontinhi1055B/hi1055B (pon), reptinhi2394/hi2394 (rep) and double mutants at 4 dpf show ventral body curvature and kidney cysts (arrows), as compared with a wild-type embryo. A total of 247 embryos were inspected. (B) Pontin and Reptin depend on each other for protein stability. Total lysates of reptinhi2394/hi2394 (rep, MUT), pontinhi1055B/hi1055B (pon, MUT) and respective control siblings (C) at 4 dpf were subject to IP and blotted with anti-Reptin (Rep) or anti-Pontin (Pon). Western blot of β-Tubulin (Tub) on total lysates was used as a loading control. 20 embryos were used for each sample. The results shown are representative of two independent experiments.