Fig. 4

Razaghi et al., 2017 - hace1 influences zebrafish cardiac development via ROS-dependent mechanisms
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Fig. 4

ROS levels are elevated throughout the embryo and in particular in the heart following hace1 knockdown. ROS is labeled by green fluorescence generated with oxidation of 2',7'? DCFH?DA. A: AB embryos injected with control morpholino demonstrate baseline levels of ROS in the whole organism. B: AB embryo following hace1 knockdown exhibits elevated levels of ROS throughout the embryo, in particular in cardiac structures (indicated by the white arrow). Scale bar?=?250?µm for panels A and B. C: Confocal imaging of Tg(cmlc2::mCherry?Ras)sd21 embryo injected with control morpholino demonstrates a normal two?chamber heart in red with baseline levels of ROS. D: Confocal imaging of Tg(cmlc2::mCherry?Ras)sd21 embryo injected with hace1 morpholino demonstrates a cardiac?looping phenotype and accumulation of ROS in the heart. Scale bar?=?100?µm for panels C and D. All embryos are 48 hpf and visualized laterally.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Observed In:
Stage: Long-pec

Phenotype Detail
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