Fig. 5

Lampe et al., 2017 - Francisella noatunensis subspecies noatunensis clpB deletion mutant impairs development of francisellosis in a zebrafish model
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Fig. 5

Histology sections of F.n.n. ΔclpB-immunized adult zebrafish before and after challenge with a lethal dose of F.n.n. wt. Sections are stained with Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) or Periodic acid Schiff’s reagent (PAS). PAS stained liver (A) and kidney (B) tissue of zebrafish 27 days after immunization with F.n.n. ΔclpB (one day before challenge). (C-G2) Histology sections from mutant-immunized zebrafish 28 days post challenge (dpc) with F.n.n. wt. (C) A granulomatous process delineated by arrowheads is located in the liver, L next to kidney, K and muscle tissue, M. H&E staining. (D) A large liver granuloma adjacent to muscle tissue, PAS staining. (E1) Overview of HE stained kidney tissue with rectangle showing area magnified in (E2), presenting three localized granulomatous processes (arrowheads). (F) PAS stained section of kidney revealing two granulomas. (G1) Overview of PAS stained tissue with a large granulomatous process localized within pancreatic tissue, P, next to the intestines, Int, with rectangle showing magnified area in (G2).

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Reprinted from Vaccine, 35(52), Lampe, E.O., Zingmark, C., Tandberg, J.I., Thrane, I.M.P., Brudal, E., Sjöstedt, A., Winther-Larsen, H.C., Francisella noatunensis subspecies noatunensis clpB deletion mutant impairs development of francisellosis in a zebrafish model, 7264-7272, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Vaccine